Do’s and Don’ts of recycling

I discovered Treevolution’s, The beginner’s guide to recycling, today. It’s a comprehensive document educating one on how to effectively recycle. When you first open the PDF you presented with a quiz to test how well you are carrying out the 3 Rs: reuse, reduce, recycle. I got a score of 40, so I’m not doingContinue reading “Do’s and Don’ts of recycling”

A small cause, but a big problem: Micro-plastics

Let’s talk about a small object that is causing big problems in our oceans: MICRO-PLASTICS What are micro-plastics? Micro-plastics are small plastic pieces/granules/pellets/flakes/beads/nurdles that are 5mm or smaller. The term was phrased in 2004 and the definition agreed upon at a International microplastics workshop hosted by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) in the States. PrimaryContinue reading “A small cause, but a big problem: Micro-plastics”

The Story of Some RADDicle Science

A Manchester lad, Mike Barron, is busy conducting research projects and leading citizen science expeditions to help conserve Cape Town’s seas. Cape RADD (Research and Diver Development) is a one of those new companies in our economy that is radically working to support ocean conservation efforts. Their focus lies within two main pillars: the marineContinue reading “The Story of Some RADDicle Science”

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